HELLO Welcome to Solar Town! The sun is shining for everyone! Find out how you can benefit from it and turn your community into a solar town – based on solar thermal energy. Learn how to build a solar thermal plant with your school class and produce hot water. On our online platform we offer you free learning materials and a guide to building your own solar thermal plant. The materials are suitable for use in the classroom, but are also available in the form of an online course – in German, English, Slovenian and Greek. More on the project Let us go green Solartown is a project to show, how important renewable energy is to fight the climate crisis. In the project students and teachers can gain practical experience, as well as to build their own solar thermal system and install it on the roof of their school. At Solar town there are a lot of learning and teaching materials from renewable energy to the legal and organizational part of the whole process. Participating students are between 10 and 14 years old. Schools from all over the EU are invited to participate. Solar Town is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme. Why solar thermal energy? Solar thermal energy is a very useful and highly developed technology. Solar Town helps to promote the spread of this technology by providing a comprehensive introduction to the topic in schools. Building a solar thermal plant is actually very easy. It’s perfect for getting started and learning what you can do for our climate through a practical project. By comparison, wind energy or photovoltaics, for example, require a number of complex components and complicated technology. And next? How to use our education package to set up a project with solar thermal energy The online platform offers all the necessary information resources for building a solar thermal plant! Elaborate teaching materials for the class for theoretical and practical lessons Online course on renewable energies for students from 10 to 14 years What is Solar Thermal? Learn more about the technology By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube STRONG PARTNERS Solar Town Partner akaryon is a research based Austrian SME founded in 1999. Since 2000 akaryon comprises of two locations, one in the rural area of Styria, one in the Austrian capital Vienna. The company has gradually grown in terms of turnover and employment and currently employs more than 10 people. Interest for sustainability topics and the intention to increase awareness on the responsible use of resources are part of our corporate mission: We are specialized in the development of complex web applications dealing with environmental and energy related topics, thereby often fulfilling educational purposes. Apart from capitalizing our web-based/mobile environmental informatics applications as standalone solutions, we also take part in environmentally relevant educational projects on a regular base not only introducing our know-how but also providing our solutions to project target groups (for example learners with different educational backgrounds). We often also co-ordinate these projects, as well as we also have experience in managing co-operative research projects.https://akaryon.com Climate Alliance Austria (CAA) coordinates the project. The Climate Alliance is a global partnership for climate protection and currently connects more than 1,700 communities in 27 European countries with indigenous peoples in South America. The common goals are the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the protection of the Amazon rainforest. In Austria the Climate Alliance is the largest climate protection network. It has grown continuously and includes Climate Alliance municipalities, Climate Alliance companies, Climate Alliance schools and kindergartens as well as all Austrian federal states and the municipality of Vienna. With nine regional offices, the Climate Alliance serves municipalities, schools, kindergartens and businesses throughout Austria. The focus of Climate Alliance’s work is on information and awareness raising, networking and further education as well as the implementation of projects and campaigns in the fields of climate protection, climate justice and climate change adaptation. Unique in Europe is the long-term cooperation with selected regions in the Amazon region. Since 1993 Climate Alliance Austria has supported FOIRN, the umbrella organisation of indigenous organisations at the Rio Negro in Brazil. The focus lies on raising awareness in Austria. A climate-friendly lifestyle not only lowers greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, but also reduces the pressure on the rainforests. The greatest successes of the Climate Alliance partnership are on the one hand the protection of 135,000 km² of rainforest in Amazonia. FOIRN was granted land rights by the Brazilian government for an area 1.6 times the size of Austria. Equally long-term and successful is the partnership between the Climate Alliance municipalities and the federal state in Vorarlberg and the Chocó region in Colombia.https://www.klimabuendnis.at/ The Environmental Education Center (K.P.E.) Pertouliou-Trikkeon was founded in 2009 and it is a structure of the Ministry of Education. It is situated both in the mountain area of Pertouli and in Trikala, a medium size town in the center of Greece. It is staffed with five teachers of primary and secondary education It is a center of environmental education and education for sustainability. Our activity includes design and implementation of environmental programs for students (on subjects such as the forest, the water, renewable energy sources, climatic change, traditional architecture), seminars for teachers on various environmental issues, workshops and awareness campaigns as well as creation of supporting learning and teaching material. The aim of K.P.E. is to inform and sensitize students, teachers of our country and, through them, parents and the entire society on environmental issues so that more and more people are motivated and involved in the sustainable management of the environment towards the maintainance of the ecological balance. This is achieved in cooperation with scientific institutions, governmental and non-governmental bodies, the municipalities and schools of our area, as well as nationwide. During its nine years of operation, K.P.E. has trained 9,300 students and 2,587 teachers of all grades of education.https://blogs.sch.gr/kpepertoul/ Solar Heat Europe strives for the growth of solar heat solutions in Europe through different actions, such as advocating for better regulation or encouraging the EU policy makers to shape a fair context for heating and cooling solutions.With around 40 members in Europe, Solar Heat Europe represents directly or indirectly over 90% of the industry across the value chain.http://solarheateurope.eu/ VseUk Institute has been established in 2016, as a non-profit private organisation dedicated to science outreach and STEM education.VseUk Institute’s goal is to increase the awareness of STEM importance and to excite the young generation to start loving science and maybe someday pursue their studies in STEM area. As it is expected that STEM oriented professionals will be highly desirable in the coming years, unemployment can be lowered, if more children decide to pursue STEM careers.One of the goals is also to increase the awareness of the general public that STEM is an important and interesting area linked to our future, as we heavily depend on STEM to improve our quality of life with innovations in science, technology and engineering.www.vseuk.si/ The next rising sun? Solartown Award In 2020 and 2021 we awarded the best solar thermal climate protection projects in European schools. In 2022, the Solartown Award went to: 1o EPAL LAMIAS from Greece. The 2021 awardees: 1st place: 5th High School of Karditsa from Greece. 2nd place: HLUW-Yspertal from Austria 3rd place: Fran Erjavec Primary School from Slovenia Is there something to see? Media gallery We are doing some serious work here. Many skilled hands and clever heads at work. ◄ 1 ... 5 6 7 8 ► By loading the post, you agree to Facebook's privacy policy.Learn more Load post Always unblock Facebook posts