akaryon akaryon is a research based Austrian SME founded in 1999. Since 2000 akaryon comprises of two locations, one in the rural area of Styria, one in the Austrian capital Vienna. The company has gradually grown in terms of turnover and employment and currently employs more than 10 people. Interest for sustainability topics and the intention to increase awareness on the responsible use of resources are part of our corporate mission: We are specialized in the development of complex web applications dealing with environmental and energy related topics, thereby often fulfilling educational purposes. Apart from capitalizing our web-based/mobile environmental informatics applications as standalone solutions, we also take part in environmentally relevant educational projects on a regular base not only introducing our know-how but also providing our solutions to project target groups (for example learners with different educational backgrounds). We often also co-ordinate these projects, as well as we also have experience in managing co-operative research projects. www.akaryon.eu